Laser Vein Removal

Do treatments hurt?
Most laser therapy patients report little discomfort. Some experience a mild burning sensation when the laser pulses are administered, however, the use of a cooling device provides a comfortable experience.
Spider Veins
Spider veins occur as a result of a number of factors including heredity, sun damage, and skin conditions like rosacea. Laser therapy is a proven option for treating unsightly broken and dilated blood vessels, as well as other unwanted vascular lesions, such as port wine stains and reddish birthmarks.
How Does It Work?
The Cutera Excel combines the ideal laser wavelength with the most flexible parameters to deliver a superior vascular laser system. It treats a broad range of vessels from tiny spider veins to deep blue reticular veins quickly, safely, and effectively. Patients with dark, light, or tanned skin can experience outstanding results with minimal bruising or blistering.
What happens after the treatment?
Following your treatment, we encourage you to resume normal activities immediately but ask you to refrain from taking hot baths or vigorous activities for the first 48 hours. We recommend you wear compression stockings for the first 3 days after treatments to help keep pressure on the veins.
Who can be treated?
The laser’s unique design and long wavelength allow it to treat patients of all skin tones. It is even FDA approved for tanned skin; however, sun exposure during treatment phase is not advised.